What Guys Think of Redheads

Publish date: 0001-01-01

Have you ever taken a Rorschach test? The doctor shows you "inkblots" and you blurt out what comes to mind. The inkblots measure perception of abstract shapes, tapping into the corners of the mind.

Hopefully, guys don't judge a woman by her hair color, but they have perceptions based on culture, media, and personal taste, similar to unconscious interpretation of inkblots.

What's my "inkblot-style" reaction to redheads? See below:

"The redheaded stepchild" is the outcast. There are fewer redheads, so maybe that's why I haven't dated one. Despite their distinct appearance, they aren't discussed in male circles as much as blondes and brunettes. I've heard guys say red hair is a deal breaker.

The classic redhead women are strikingly beautiful: Rita Hayworth, Katharine Hepburn. For me, the redhead personality consists of polar opposites: She's either the beer-swilling barmaid, giving every guy a run for his money...or the classic confident beauty, understated and graceful, possessing all the answers before everyone else.

Redheads are "fiery lasses." Redheads are bubbly blondes with a "I'll kick your butt if you step out of line" brunette streak. Like brunettes, redheads can be intimidating, but in a different way — more like a brazen confidence.

The eyes may actually have it. Eye color sometimes mixes with hair color amazingly: blue eyes with dark hair, brown eyes with blonde, and green with, well, any hair color. It's funny how culture and media influence perception of hair color, but my personal opinion is: It doesn't matter what color your hair is; if you're hot, you're hot.

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And personality could trump everything. That Marilyn Monroe movie was called "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes," but a more accurate title might be: "Gentlemen Prefer a Girl Who Lets Them Reign Over the TV Remote," or "Gentlemen Prefer a Girl Who Lets Them Hang Out with the Guys Whenever He Wants."

Do women have stereotypes about guys' hair color, or are you just happy when he has hair? What are your thoughts on my stereotypes, and what stereotypes do you have for blonde, brunette, and redheaded women? Any guy hair color that would make you not want to date him?

Find out what guys think about blondes and brunettes.
