Princess Diana Gave Prince William the Cutest Nickname

Publish date: 0001-01-01

Here is a sweet royal anecdote: Prince William's late mom, Princess Diana, gave him a nickname when he was a kid, and said nickname has held firm in the many years since. As the Daily Express reports, William revealed the nickname in a recently resurfaced interview with NBC back in 2007. So what, exactly, did Diana call her son? "Wombat."

"When we went to Australia with our parents, and the wombat, you know, that’s the local animal, so I just basically got called that, not because I look like a wombat, or maybe I do," William said in 2007. "I can’t get rid of it now. It began when I was two." Delightful!

In a BBC documentary that aired in May, Football, Prince William and our Mental Health, William spoke about the trauma of losing his mother at a young age—and revisiting those emotions after he became a father. Speaking to former soccer player Marvin Sordell, who shared his own experience of becoming a parent after growing up without his father, William said, "I think when you’ve been through something traumatic in life... my mother dying when I was younger, the emotions come back, in leaps and bounds."

"Having children is the biggest life-changing moment, it really is," the Duke continued. "It’s one of the most amazing moments of life, but it’s also one of the scariest."

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